Saturday, April 28, 2007
murphy's law

yesterday mannan talked bout murphy's law. the shit about anything that can go wrong will go wrong. then when i reached home i saw this website on murphy's law too. i think it was pretty cool and loved 10 =D

MURPHY'S LAWSTHE PRIME AXIOM: In any field of scientific endeavor, anything that can go wrong, will.
2. If the possibility exists of several things going wrong, the one that will go wrong is the one that will do the most damage.
3. Everything will go wrong at one time.
3.1 That time is always when you least expect it.
4. If nothing can go wrong, something will.
5. Nothing is as easy as it looks.
6. Everything takes longer than you think.
7. Left to themselves, things always go from bad to worse.
8. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.
9. Given the most inappropriate time for something to go wrong, that's when it will occur.
10. Mother Nature is a bitch.
10.1 The universe is not indifferent to intelligence, it is actively hostile to it.
11. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
12. If in any problem you find yourself doing an immense amount of work, the answer can be obtained by simple inspection.
13. Never make anything simple and efficient when a way can be found to make it complex and wonderful.
14. If it doesn't fit, use a bigger hammer.
15. In an instrument or device characterized by a number of plus-or-minus errors, the total error will be the sum of all the errors adding in the same direction.
16. In any given calculation, the fault will never be placed if more than one person is involved.
16.1 In any given discovery, the credit will never be properly placed if more than one person is involved.
17. All warranty and guarantee clauses become invalid upon payment of the final invoice.
18. Murphy's Law: "If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it."

Proof of Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law cannot be proven, yet is correct, as when you try to prove Murphy's Law, you will see that the proof is incorrect. This is obviously due to Murphy's Law, therefore Murphy's Law is correct and proven."

and worst thing is his stupid law got proven yesterday. was raining so i borrowed an unbrella from clarissa to go home. the normal miniature unbrella with the covering and stuff. reached home safely woots but then lo and behold, i can't seem to find that stupid covering. shall spare the rest of the details cos it brings back horrible memories o.O

ok enough about unhappy things. just went to bathe and when i came out mom told me someone called me. so ok i went to check it out and saw a foreign in never see before that kind but local. so i called him back. omg guess who picked up! it's a BLANGA!! lmao extracts from the chinese vs blanga clip instantly reverterbrated in my head and i just wanted to laugh out loud. but being a kind and non-racist person i forgave him and hung up. ok u got me. but at least i tried not to laugh in his face straight so i tried to sound as polite as possible hahaha. so i called ray later to tell him what happened and he both laughed out asses off at the retarded 7 seconds conversation that blanga and i just had. sas boys hahahaa.

short entry today. brain dead.

ivan thought about this at5:00 AM

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

wha..been like a million yrs or sth since i blogged. many things happened so fast i can't keep track of them, much less enjoy them heh.

most significant was intersch. argubly one of the best i had. maybe cos there was this huge thing called responsibility on my shoulders and also due the innumerable support we had heh. and council went down for 3/4 our matches and we lost them all lols. but at least we put up a good fight for them haha. now that season's over and me stepping down soon, i can say i'm really honoured to be able to lead this team and hopefully i succeeded in making this team a team..omg so nonsense but yeah haha. NOSCARE =D

then there was bt1. first major exam in j2. walao maths was so bloody easy but i kena so many careless until i got d while a million people got a's and b's ahhhhhh..but the physics got this really stupid question and i answered a really stupid answer and i got it right LOL. i guess stupid questions really requires stupid answers. it was something like this: find the mass of electron using e=mc^2 . where e and c is given then comment on the answer. my comment went something like this:
since einstein discovered this formula and the answer is very close to the real mass of an electron, therefore einstein is a genious.

omg? correct somemore sia got the full 2 marks HAHA. so now i think physics is a very senseless but cool subject.

oh and yeah whole family went overseas for 10 days to hainan dao. left maid grandma n i at home. dunno if the freedom and stuff is a good thing or not. that means i must actually wake up by myself and do all the crap that's to be done early in the morning without mom's constant nagging at me haha. the prospect of skipping school without any consequences is just so tempting lol. but nah

erm then had mj at yanyi's place =D. had a really great time even though i lost money haha. then found out exactly how cute her dog was hahaha.

i don't really feel satirical today so this post will be about my boring life. i plan to really think about life and write bout something random soon haha.

ivan thought about this at6:57 AM

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